
These are some things that I’ve been curious about lately (2020/05/19):


  • Silver Jews - American Water: A rock band the product of art scholars, the Silver Jews created a golem of their period’s zeitgeist, which we can now enjoy 20 years later. Shout out to Dr. Milner for the recommendation!
  • This is a person building a weed wacker bike in an enthusiastic, yet impolite and subtly violent fashion.


  • I am now a fledgling zsh convert, after many years of bash zealotry. This is thanks in part to starship.
  • On the Mac, I prefer the GNU variants of common tools (e.g. grep, awk, screen). This is an excellent guide on setting them up.


  • I’d like to some day migrate my Amazon wish list to Bookshop.org. There doesn’t seem to be an easy way to automate this.